EISSN: 2980-0749
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 Instructions to authors

Journal of Turkish Clinical Biochemistry is the official journal of Turkish Society of Clinical Biochemistry and is published three times a year. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor which are written in the field of clinical biochemistry. 

Official languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

Manuscripts that are already have been published or under consideration for publication should not be submitted. If the works has been presented in previous congresses it should be mentioned. In order to withdraw a submitted manuscript the authors must apply with a written requisition. There is no payment for copyright and if the manuscript is accepted to be published by signing the Copyright Transfer Agreement authors agree to transfer all the copyright of the manuscript to the Turkish Society of Clinical Biochemistry. Journal of Turkish Clinical Biochemistry does not levy any charge to the authors at any stage of the publication process.

Manuscripts that are already have been published or under consideration for publication should not be submitted. If the works has been presented in previous congresses it should be mentioned. In order to withdraw a submitted manuscript the authors must apply with a written requisition. There is no payment for copyright and if the manuscript is accepted to be published by signing the Copyright Transfer Agreement authors agree to transfer all the copyright of the manuscript to the Turkish Society of Clinical Biochemistry. Journal of Turkish Clinical Biochemistry does not levy any charge to the authors at any stage of the publication process.

Editorial board may reject or make a change in style or send the manuscript to be revised. Submitted manuscripts are sent to at least two reviewers for evaluation. Depending on reviewers’ comments manuscripts are accepted to be published.

Before submission, the EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators, freely available in many languages at “www.ease.org.uk/publications/author-guidelines” must be followed. Articles published in the Turkish Journal of Clinical Biochemistry should be prepared according to ethical rules. The protocols of clinical studies must be in accordance with the principles of “Helsinki Declaration” (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/). For all the studies ethical committee approval should be taken.

All manuscripts should be submitted online at Turkish Society of Clinical Biochemistry web page (www.tkbd.org ). No other form of submission is accepted.

A. Research articles: Must include title page, abstract, key words, main text, acknowledgement, references, tables and figures. Pages should be numbered starting with the title page.

1. Title Page: It should include the following information:

  1. full title of submission (both in Turkish and English), which should include only generic, not trade, names when describing a test, assay, etc.;
  2. running head of fewer than 65 characters (including spaces)
  3. list of all authors (first name , middle name and last name, in that order);
  4. names of each author’s institution, an indication of each author’s affiliation and ORCID number of each author (https://orcid.org/ );
  5. name, address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author;
  6. keywords (both in Turkish and English);
  7. any previous presentation of the manuscript;
  8. list of abbreviations, in order cited; and
  9. Research funding,  financial support, or other disclosure/conflict of interest information

2. Abstract: Structured abstracts both in Turkish and English should be formatted to include separate headings of: Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Structured abstracts are subject to a limit of 250 words. The purpose of the study, materials and methods (design of the study, subjects/patients, analytical methods), main findings (statistical methods, if possible), and significance of the findings should be given. New and important observations or aspects of the study should be emphasized. No abbreviations should be used in this section.

Minimum 2 maximum 6 keywords should be provided both in Turkish and English. Keywords must be separated by a semi colon (;). For English keywords authors have to use terms from the Medical Subjects Headings list from Index Medicus http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html. For Turkish keywords, authors have to use terms from Türkiye Bilim Terimleri www.bilimterimleri.com

3. Main text: The body of the paper should include; Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.

Introduction; The nature and purpose of the work must be stated clearly.

Materials and Methods; Clinical (patients/subjects), technical or experimental (animals etc.) procedures and sampling should be concisely explained. Age, gender and inclusion criteria should be included. For method descriptions full corporate names of manufacturers of materials should be utilized.

Ethical approval of the study should be mentioned here. Description of the statistical methods must enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results.

Results; Findings should be presented in a certain flow in the main text, tables and figures. Repeat of table/figure data should be avoided in the text.

Discussion; New and important observations or aspects of the study should be emphasized.

4.  Acknowledgement: Acknowledgments are limited to one separate paragraph heading labeled “Acknowledgments” and should follow the main text of the manuscript.

5. References: Citations in the text should be identified by numbers in parenthesis with Arabic numerals (1,2.3…). The list of the references at the end of the paper should be given according to their first appearance in the text, listing all authors and using journal abbreviations as listed in Index Medicus. For articles with equal to or more than seven authors, list the first six authors followed by "et al." For fewer, list all authors.
Citations of abstract books, personal communications, unpublished manuscripts in preparation or under review and web pages should not appear in the reference list. For articles from electronic publications DOI number is accepted.

All the references should be written according to the below examples:  (Punctuation is important): 

Articles from Journals:  

Stephane A. Management of Congenital Cholesteatoma with Otoendoscopic Surgery: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010;30(2):803-7.


Underwood LE, Van Wyk JJ. Normal and aberrant growth. In: Wilson JD, Foster DW, eds. Wiliams' Textbook of Endocrinology. 1 st ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992. p.1079-138. 

Tür A. Acil Hava Yolu Kontrolü ve Endotrakeal Entübasyon. Şahinoğlu AH, editör. Yoğun Bakım Sorunları ve Tedavileri. 2. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri;2003. p.9-16. 

Books which  the author and editor is the same person;

Solcia E, Capella C, Kloppel G. Tumors of the exocrine pancreas. Tumors of the Pancreas. 2 nd ed. Washington: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1997. p.145-210. 

Eken A. Kozmesötikler: Kozmetiklerle İlaçlar Arası Ürünler. Eken A, editör. Kozmesötik Etken Maddeler. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2006. p.1-7.   

6.  Tables: Tables should be numbered according to their first appearance in the text with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV,....). Each table should appear on an individual page. Table headings should uniquely display the data and not repetition of information available either in the text and must be both in Turkish and English. Place explanatory matters (including permissions for use of others’ data) in footnotes.

7.  Figures and illustrations: They should be those which display the data and not repetition of information available either in the text or as a table. They should be numbered according to their first appearance in the text with Arabic numerals. If there is use of previously published material or cases describing patients, a copy of signed "Informed consent form" should be included during the submission. Figure headings should be both in Turkish and English.

B. Reviews: The journal is open to direct reviews from authors and "invited reviews". The total number should not exceed 15 pages. The title and abstract (maximum 100 words) should be both in Turkish and English. Reviews are intended to provide comprehensive coverage of a topic, including background clinical or analytical information, the relevance and importance of the subject matter, and potential future directions.

C. Case reports: The total number should not exceed 3pages. The title and abstract (maximum 100 words) should be both in Turkish and English. They should be structured as introduction, presentation of the case and discussion.

D. Letter to the Editor: Letters are submitted directly from authors in response or contribution to published articles only.  It should not include an abstract. It should be concise and should have a limited number of references.

8. The declaration of the conflict of interest should mention at the end of manuscript.

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